Firework Art+

P4 created a piece of whole class collaborative art based on fireworks.
Posted by:
M Bagnall from Craigour Park Primary
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School / Educational
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P4 were studying shape, colour and texture through art. We used the theme of fireworks (pictures & videos) to provide inspiration discussions about shapes , colours, sizes and composition. Each group of children were given a photo to replicate using natural materials. I collected a few items to add to those available in our school grounds (variety of leave shapes and colours) .These were then placed on a black material. We discussed as a class where each should go to create the best firework effect. We also discussed what was challenging and what we might do next time. It was a bit windy so we had to find a sheltered area of our playground and next time we might add a frame to finish the picture.

Location details

Trees woodland



Expressive Arts

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