When covid guidelines prevented rangers accessing school grounds, our afterschool nature club with Bunessan Primary moved location to the new community garden. Children are collected from school by the ranger and volunteers, and together walk along a safe cycle path to the garden. We've planted trees for a new hedge, fruit bushes, beans and peas...and watched them grow. We've investigated how composting works, looked for minibeasts that help the process and created habitat piles with logs. We've taken part in managing the wildflower meadow, looked for animal tracks and signs and learned to recognise birdsong. We've built a den out of branches. In winter we were stargazing and learning about hibernating and nocturnal creatures. Children proudly show visitors their contributions to the garden which is being created by teams of adult volunteers although soon to employ paid workers to facilitate the next developments. A parent-led outdoor playgroup also meets here.
On a bus route
Wheelchair access
Free of charge
Trees woodland
Water - Stream / river
Historic buildings / monuments
This section lists supporting documents if the group has uploaded them, such as Teacher Notes, Presentations and Risk Assessments.
Disclaimer: Whilst we hope the descriptions and risk assessments shared on this site are a useful resource, we do not endorse their suitability or completeness for your purposes.
We are not responsible for any injury or death that results from you visiting sites or carrying out activities shared in the Outdoor Learning Map: It is your responsibility to assess the risks posed by any activity you do or site you visit.
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