A bunch of sticks cut to different lengths (multiples of 10cm in this case) can be used to problem solve, explore fractions, multiples, area etc.
In this case one stick of known length – the long stick (160cm) was used to challenge learners to work collectively to work out the length of all the other sticks. They were then challenged to find as many ways as possible to make 160cm with the other sticks (see picture below). The sticks can then be used to explore area of shapes, build interesting patterns and measure other objects in the area.
You can start the session with an upsized game of ‘pick-up-sticks’.
For more ideas & preparation tips see the attached ideas plan below.
On a bus route
Free of charge
Numeracy / Maths
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Disclaimer: Whilst we hope the descriptions and risk assessments shared on this site are a useful resource, we do not endorse their suitability or completeness for your purposes.
We are not responsible for any injury or death that results from you visiting sites or carrying out activities shared in the Outdoor Learning Map: It is your responsibility to assess the risks posed by any activity you do or site you visit.
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